

Women in Structural Engineering (WiSE) is a network of women structural engineers around the country. This group is not formally a part of any professional organization, rather just provides opportunities for women structural engineers to connect with one another. This website provides a hub for the various groups formed around the U.S. so that events can be shared and advertised, and information exchanged.

If you are looking to form your own WiSE group in your area, please visit the "Where are we" page so that you can see examples of groups formed around the country. If you are traveling to a professional conference, please check in here so see if there is a WiSE event being planned!

Make sure to join the group on Linked In by searching "Women in Structural Engineering", or clicking here

Want to get in touch? Send us an email here


The WiSE logo was designed by Sarah Rose with input from WiSE groups across the US.